Personal Project:

Skills: [Entrepreneurship, JavaScript, Blender, Web Design] is a website I created with a friend over the first summer of COVID. I was stuck at home and looking for a project that I could do without needing access to any special tools or materials. This ended up being DeskSpacing, which is a website that helps users plan out their desk setup in 3D. My initial role was to create all the 3D modeling since that's where most of my experience was, but I ended up learning a lot about web development and contributing there as well. I learned Blender to create all of the 3D models, as well as Javascript, the JS library THREE.js, and Bootstrap to help build the website. We posted the first version of the website on Reddit where it went viral and got 40,000 unique pages visits over the next 3 days. The current version still averages around 2,000 users per month. The skills I gained during this project are also what I used to make the portfolio you're looking at right now.